Learn more about different therapies in our blog below

Stephen Heacock Stephen Heacock

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device (AAC)

Have you ever heard this term before? Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Device. Chances are, if you or your loved one has ever had difficulty communicating—whether it be a language delay, autism, aphasia, or other developmental disorder. If not, here is your time to learn! As speech therapists, we work with those who are dealing with those who have the challenges listed above (and so many more).

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Stephen Heacock Stephen Heacock

Memory Trouble? What can an SLP do about that?

Many of our adult clients come to us with memory difficulty. They are at a loss for what to do and do not believe they are ever going to get it back. While we cannot promise that you will get your memory back, we can teach you strategies about retaining information so that you can gain back some (if not all) independence with your memory. This, of course, is diagnosis dependent as we can help those with degenerative diseases…

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Stephen Heacock Stephen Heacock

Crossword Puzzles and Cognition

Did you know that crossword puzzles can help keep your cognition more flexible? A study published in NEJM Evidence showed that those who completed crossword puzzles can possibly help mildly increase (or at least maintain) cognitive function in those who were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. The numbers presented in the results of the study are small, but this is promising all the same

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Stephen Heacock Stephen Heacock

Swallow Strengthening—is it important?

Have you noticed that you are coughing on water or choking on a bite of food more often than you used to? You are not alone! Research has shown that, around the age of 65, we start to lose strength and reaction time in our swallow muscles (just like the rest of our body, sadly). The good news is that there is something you can do about it!

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Stephen Heacock Stephen Heacock

The Benefits of Telehealth in Speech Therapy

In our modern, fast-paced, tech-fueled society, telehealth has surfaced as a significant instrument altering how we obtain healthcare. Speech therapy - once confined to personal encounters – is currently taking enormous leaps forward in the digital space opening up countless opportunities for patients. In this piece of writing, we will examine the impact of telehealth and its role in revolutionizing speech therapy while changing lives along the way.

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