Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device (AAC)

Have you ever heard this term before? Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Device. Chances are, if you or your loved one has ever had difficulty communicating—whether it be a language delay, autism, aphasia, or other developmental disorder. If not, here is your time to learn! As speech therapists, we work with those who are dealing with those who have the challenges listed above (and so many more). We help them find the right system for them (financially and usability wise), such as Tobii Dynavox, Lingraphica, or any of the several different devices or applications out there. We can help you find what works best for your situation and then help you learn how to use it effectively. You may be thinking- well, what if I don’t want to use a device? I would rather work on my verbal communication skills? We can also help you with those goals! AAC is not meant to be a limitation, but to increase your ability to communicate when the words just do not want to come out of your mouth the way you want them to come out. Still have questions? reach out to us today and we will answer your questions! Click the purple “Contact” link at the top of the page.


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